Hi, my name is André Meyer & I paint primarily in acrylic, 
occasionally in oils. 
 I’m inspired by my surroundings, nature, architecture (esp-
ecially historic) & old photographs. Since moving to Oakville
in 2006, local architecture is prominent in my works.

  I’m artistically influenced (in part) by Edward Hopper,
German Expressionism, Eugene Atget, Salvador Dali, Francisco 
Goya.  My schooling was at the Ontario College of Art & Design
where I graduated in 2002 from the Illustration program.

  Since then I have exhibited in various shows & my works are 
in numerous private as well as a few corporate collections
across Canada & in the United States.  

 I hold a collection of originals for sale. 

 I am available to work on a commission basis. 
 Contact me for a free estimate. 



 Whether painting in monochrome or in full color, my primary
focus has always been in Light & Shadow, which are the basis 
of everything we see in the world around us.

 The urban & suburban landscapes familiar to us seem to undergo
a transformation after dusk…

  The look of a street corner, a house, or a storefront is dra-
matically different & to my eyes more interesting in nocturnal 

  Nighttime is when sunlight no longer overpowers & the noise 
of overly vivid color has been dissipated; it’s when the reality
 of Light & Shadow is most manifest.

  The Monochrome I specialize in is intended to evoke the look &
feel of Sepia Photographs, but with an added painterly quality. 

  Photographs survive for a few decades at best while Paintings
 are memories that last for centuries. 

            Andre M. Meyer
	      May 12th, 2013 


  Painting isn't the only thing I do: I often draw/sketch using a 
variety of mediums (ink, Sharpie, & pencil).

  I also enjoy photography.


  Extra Special Thanks as always to Rob~bRo for assistance 
with this site.

  & of course, much love & thanks to my wife Molly.



All images on this site, & the site design itself are ©A. M. Meyer
All material ©2013/2014

The rights to some images may be purchased, or licensed - contact me for info

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